proc getToolsCount(self: wToolBar): int {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the number of tools in the toolbar.
proc getToolPos(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): int {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the tool position in the toolbar, or wNotFound if the tool is not found.
proc getToolSize(self: wToolBar): wSize {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the size of a whole button.
proc deleteToolByPos(self: wToolBar; pos: Natural) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
This function behaves like deleteTool but it deletes the tool at the specified position.
proc deleteTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Removes the specified tool from the toolbar and deletes it.
proc clearTools(self: wToolBar) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
 Deletes all the tools in the toolbar.
proc insertTool(self: wToolBar; pos: int; toolId: wCommandID; label = "";
bitmap: wBitmap = nil; shortHelp = ""; longHelp = ""; kind: int = wTbNormal) {...}{.
raises: [], tags: [].}
Inserts the tool with the specified attributes into the toolbar at the given position.
proc insertSeparator(self: wToolBar; pos: int) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Inserts the separator into the toolbar at the given position.
proc insertCheckTool(self: wToolBar; pos: int; toolId: wCommandID; label = "";
bitmap: wBitmap = nil; shortHelp = ""; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Insert the check (or toggle) tool into the toolbar at the given position.
proc insertRadioTool(self: wToolBar; pos: int; toolId: wCommandID; label = "";
bitmap: wBitmap = nil; shortHelp = ""; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Insert the radio tool into the toolbar at the given position.
proc insertDropDownTool(self: wToolBar; pos: int; toolId: wCommandID; label = "";
bitmap: wBitmap = nil; shortHelp = ""; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Insert the drowdown tool into the toolbar at the given position.
proc addTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; label = ""; bitmap: wBitmap = nil;
shortHelp = ""; longHelp = ""; kind: int = wTbNormal) {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Adds a tool to the toolbar.
proc addSeparator(self: wToolBar) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Adds a separator for spacing groups of tools.
proc addCheckTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; label = ""; bitmap: wBitmap = nil;
shortHelp = ""; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Adds a new check (or toggle) tool to the toolbar.
proc addRadioTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; label = ""; bitmap: wBitmap = nil;
shortHelp = ""; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Adds a new radio tool to the toolbar.
proc addDropDownTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; label = "";
bitmap: wBitmap = nil; shortHelp = ""; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Adds a new drowdown tool to the toolbar.
proc enableTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; enable = true) {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Enables or disables the tool.
proc disableTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Disables the tool.
proc getToolEnabled(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): bool {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Called to determine whether a tool is enabled (responds to user input).
proc toggleTool(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; toggle = true) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Toggles a tool on or off.
proc getToolState(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): bool {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Gets the on/off state of a toggle tool.
proc getToolShortHelp(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): string {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Returns the short help for the given tool.
proc setToolShortHelp(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; shortHelp = "") {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Sets the short help for the given tool.
proc getToolLongHelp(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): string {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Returns the long help for the given tool.
proc setToolLongHelp(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; longHelp = "") {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Sets the long help for the given tool.
proc getDropdownMenu(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): wMenu {...}{.inline, raises: [],
tags: [].}
Returns the dropdown menu for the given tool.
proc setDropdownMenu(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; menu: wMenu = nil) {...}{.inline,
raises: [], tags: [].}
Sets the dropdown menu for the tool given by its id.
proc getToolLabel(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the label for the given tool.
proc setToolLabel(self: wToolBar; toolId: wCommandID; label: string) {...}{.raises: [],
tags: [].}
Sets the label for the tool given by its id.
proc undock(self: wToolBar) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Undock the toolar.
proc init(self: wToolBar; parent: wWindow; id = wDefaultID;
style: wStyle = wTbDefaultStyle) {...}{.raises: [wNilAccess, wWindowError,
wCursorError, wBrushError, Exception, IndexDefect, wFontError],
tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes a toolbar.
proc ToolBar(parent: wWindow; id = wDefaultID; style: wStyle = wTbDefaultStyle): wToolBar {...}{.
inline, discardable, raises: [wNilAccess, wWindowError, wCursorError, wBrushError,
Exception, IndexDefect, wFontError],
tags: [RootEffect].}