A static bitmap control displays a bitmap.
Appearance: | |
Styles: | Styles | Description |
wSbAuto | Automatically sizes the control to accommodate the bitmap. |
wSbFit | Stretch or shrink the bitmap to fit the size. |
wSbCenter | Center the bitmap and clip if needed. |
Events: | wCommandEventwCommandEvent | Description |
wEvent_CommandLeftClick | Clicked the left mouse button within the control. |
wEvent_CommandLeftDoubleClick | Double-clicked the left mouse button within the control. |
proc setBitmap(self: wStaticBitmap; bitmap: wBitmap) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Sets the bitmap label.
proc getBitmap(self: wStaticBitmap): wBitmap {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the bitmap currently used in the control.
proc init(self: wStaticBitmap; parent: wWindow; id = wDefaultID; bitmap: wBitmap = nil;
pos = wDefaultPoint; size = wDefaultSize; style: wStyle = wSbAuto) {...}{.raises: [
wNilAccess, wWindowError, wCursorError, wBrushError, Exception, IndexDefect,
wFontError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes static bitmap control.
proc StaticBitmap(parent: wWindow; id = wDefaultID; bitmap: wBitmap = nil;
pos = wDefaultPoint; size = wDefaultSize; style: wStyle = wSbAuto): wStaticBitmap {...}{.
inline, discardable, raises: [wNilAccess, wWindowError, wCursorError, wBrushError,
Exception, IndexDefect, wFontError],
tags: [RootEffect].}
method getBestSize(self: wStaticBitmap): wSize {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the best acceptable minimal size for the control.
method getDefaultSize(self: wStaticBitmap): wSize {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the default size for the control.
method release(self: wStaticBitmap) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
Release all the resources during destroying. Used internally.