
This class encapsulates a platform-independent image. In wNim, wImage is a wrap of gdiplus image object.

Seealso:wImageList wBitmap wIcon wCursor wIconImage
Consts:The quality used in scale, rescale, transform, and retransform.
wImageQualityNearestSpecifies nearest-neighbor interpolation.
wImageQualityBilinearSpecifies high-quality, bilinear interpolation.
wImageQualityBicubicSpecifies high-quality, bicubic interpolation.
wImageQualityNormalSpecifies the default interpolation mode.
wImageQualityHighSpecifies a high-quality mode.
wImageQualityLowSpecifies a low-quality mode.

Used in rotateFlip as flag.

wImageRotateNoneFlipNoneSpecifies no rotation and no flipping.
wImageRotateNoneFlipXSpecifies no rotation and a horizontal flip.
wImageRotateNoneFlipYSpecifies no rotation and a vertical flip.
wImageRotateNoneFlipXYSpecifies no rotation, a horizontal flip, and then a vertical flip.
wImageRotate90FlipNoneSpecifies a 90-degree rotation without flipping.
wImageRotate90FlipXSpecifies a 90-degree rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
wImageRotate90FlipYSpecifies a 90-degree rotation followed by a vertical flip.
wImageRotate90FlipXYSpecifies a 90-degree rotation followed by a horizontal flip and then a vertical flip.
wImageRotate180FlipNoneSpecifies a 180-degree rotation without flipping.
wImageRotate180FlipXSpecifies a 180-degree rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
wImageRotate180FlipYSpecifies a 180-degree rotation followed by a vertical flip.
wImageRotate180FlipXYSpecifies a 180-degree rotation followed by a horizontal flip and then a vertical flip.
wImageRotate270FlipNoneSpecifies a 270-degree rotation without flipping.
wImageRotate270FlipXSpecifies a 270-degree rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
wImageRotate270FlipYSpecifies a 270-degree rotation followed by a vertical flip.
wImageRotate270FlipXYSpecifies a 270-degree rotation followed by a horizontal flip and then a vertical flip.


wImageError = object of wError
An error raised when wImage creation or operation failure.
wPixelFormat = enum
  wPixelFormat1bppIndexed,    ## Specifies that the format is 1 bit per pixel, indexed.
  wPixelFormat4bppIndexed,    ## Specifies that the format is 4 bits per pixel, indexed.
  wPixelFormat8bppIndexed,    ## Specifies that the format is 8 bits per pixel, indexed.
  wPixelFormat16bppARGB1555,  ## Specifies that the format is 16 bits per pixel; 1 bit is used for the alpha component, and 5 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components.
  wPixelFormat16bppGrayScale, ## Specifies that the format is 16 bits per pixel, grayscale.
  wPixelFormat16bppRGB555,    ## Specifies that the format is 16 bits per pixel; 5 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components. The remaining bit is not used.
  wPixelFormat16bppRGB565,    ## Specifies that the format is 16 bits per pixel; 5 bits are used for the red component, 6 bits are used for the green component, and 5 bits are used for the blue component.
  wPixelFormat24bppRGB,       ## Specifies that the format is 24 bits per pixel; 8 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components.
  wPixelFormat32bppARGB,      ## Specifies that the format is 32 bits per pixel; 8 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components.
  wPixelFormat32bppPARGB,     ## Specifies that the format is 32 bits per pixel; 8 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components. The red, green, and blue components are premultiplied according to the alpha component.
  wPixelFormat32bppRGB,       ## Specifies that the format is 32 bits per pixel; 8 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components. The remaining 8 bits are not used.
  wPixelFormat48bppRGB,       ## Specifies that the format is 48 bits per pixel; 16 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components.
  wPixelFormat64bppARGB,      ## Specifies that the format is 64 bits per pixel; 16 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components.
  wPixelFormat64bppPARGB      ## Specifies that the format is 64 bits per pixel; 16 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components. The red, green, and blue components are premultiplied according to the alpha component.


proc delete(self: wImage) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Nim's garbage collector will delete this object by default. However, sometimes you maybe want do that by yourself.
proc getHandle(self: wImage): ptr GpBitmap {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Gets the real resource handle of gdiplus bitmap.
proc getWidth(self: wImage): int {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Gets the width of the image in pixels.
proc getHeight(self: wImage): int {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Gets the height of the image in pixels.
proc getSize(self: wImage): wSize {...}{.inline, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the size of the image in pixels.
proc getPixel(self: wImage; x: int; y: int): ARGB {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Return the ARGB value at given pixel location.
proc getPixel(self: wImage; pos: wPoint): ARGB {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Return the ARGB value at given pixel location.
proc setPixel(self: wImage; x: int; y: int; color: ARGB) {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Set the ARGB value at given pixel location.
proc setPixel(self: wImage; pos: wPoint; color: ARGB) {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Set the ARGB value at given pixel location.
proc getRed(self: wImage; x: int; y: int): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the red intensity at the given coordinate.
proc getRed(self: wImage; pos: wPoint): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the red intensity at the given coordinate.
proc getGreen(self: wImage; x: int; y: int): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the green intensity at the given coordinate.
proc getGreen(self: wImage; pos: wPoint): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the green intensity at the given coordinate.
proc getBlue(self: wImage; x: int; y: int): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the blue intensity at the given coordinate.
proc getBlue(self: wImage; pos: wPoint): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns the blue intensity at the given coordinate.
proc getAlpha(self: wImage; x: int; y: int): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Return alpha value at given pixel location.
proc getAlpha(self: wImage; pos: wPoint): byte {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Return alpha value at given pixel location.
proc saveFile(self: wImage; filename: string; fileType = "";
             quality: range[0 .. 100] = 90) {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Saves an image into the file. If fileType is empty, use extension name as fileType. Use getEncoders iterator to list the supported format.
proc saveData(self: wImage; fileType: string; quality: range[0 .. 100] = 90): string {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Saves an image into binary data (stored as string). Use getEncoders iterator to list the supported format.
proc init(self: wImage; gdip: ptr GpBitmap; copy = true) {...}{.
    raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
Initializes an image from a gdiplus bitmap handle. If copy is false, this only wrap it to wImage object. It means the handle will be destroyed by wImage when it is destroyed.
proc Image(gdip: ptr GpBitmap; copy = true): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
    raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
proc init(self: wImage; image: wImage) {...}{.inline, raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError],
                                    tags: [].}
Initializes an image from wImage object, aka. copy constructors.
proc Image(image: wImage): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
                                raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
proc init(self: wImage; bmp: wBitmap) {...}{.raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
Initializes an image from wBitmap object.
proc Image(bmp: wBitmap): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
                               raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
proc init(self: wImage; data: pointer; length: int) {...}{.
    raises: [wNilAccess, Exception, wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes an image from binary image data. Use getDecoders iterator to list the supported format.
proc Image(data: pointer; length: int): wImage {...}{.inline,
    raises: [wNilAccess, Exception, wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc init(self: wImage; str: string) {...}{.raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess, Exception],
                                  tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes an image from a file. Use getDecoders iterator to list the supported format. If str is not a valid file path, it will be regarded as the binary data in memory. For example:
const data = staticRead("test.png")
var image = Image(data)
proc Image(str: string): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
                              raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess, Exception],
                              tags: [RootEffect].}
proc init(self: wImage; width: int; height: int) {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Initializes an empty image with the given size.
proc Image(width: int; height: int): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
                                        raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
proc init(self: wImage; size: wSize) {...}{.inline, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Initializes an empty image with the given size.
proc Image(size: wSize): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
proc init(self: wImage; iconImage: wIconImage) {...}{.
    raises: [wNilAccess, Exception, wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes an image from a wIconImage object.
proc Image(iconImage: wIconImage): wImage {...}{.inline, raises: [wNilAccess, Exception,
    wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc init(self: wImage; icon: wIcon) {...}{.raises: [wNilAccess, wNilAccess, Exception,
    wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes an image from wIcon object.
proc Image(icon: wIcon): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
                              raises: [wNilAccess, Exception, wImageError],
                              tags: [RootEffect].}
proc init(self: wImage; cursor: wCursor) {...}{.raises: [wNilAccess, wNilAccess, Exception,
    wImageError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Initializes an image from wCursor object.
proc Image(cursor: wCursor): wImage {...}{.inline, discardable,
                                  raises: [wNilAccess, Exception, wImageError],
                                  tags: [RootEffect].}
proc init(self: wImage; width: int; height: int; stride: int; format: wPixelFormat;
         scan0: pointer) {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Initializes an image based on binary bytes along with size and format information.
proc Image(width: int; height: int; stride: int; format: wPixelFormat; scan0: pointer): wImage {...}{.
    inline, discardable, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
proc scale(self: wImage; width, height: int; quality = wImageQualityNormal): wImage {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess], tags: [].}
Returns a scaled version of the image.
proc scale(self: wImage; size: wSize; quality = wImageQualityNormal): wImage {...}{.inline,
    raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess], tags: [].}
Returns a scaled version of the image.
proc rescale(self: wImage; width, height: int; quality = wImageQualityNormal) {...}{.
    discardable, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Changes the size of the image in-place by scaling it.
proc rescale(self: wImage; size: wSize; quality = wImageQualityNormal) {...}{.inline,
    discardable, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Changes the size of the image in-place by scaling it.
proc size(self: wImage; size: wSize; pos: wPoint = (0, 0); align = 0): wImage {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess], tags: [].}
Returns a resized version of this image without scaling it. The image is pasted into a new image at the position pos or by given align. align can be combine of wRight, wCenter, wLeft, wUp, wMiddle, wDown.
proc size(self: wImage; width, height: int; x, y: int = 0; align = 0): wImage {...}{.inline,
    raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess], tags: [].}
Returns a resized version of this image without scaling it.
proc resize(self: wImage; size: wSize; pos: wPoint = (0, 0); align = 0) {...}{.discardable,
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Changes the size of the image in-place without scaling it.
proc resize(self: wImage; width, height: int; x, y: int = 0; align = 0) {...}{.discardable,
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Changes the size of the image in-place without scaling it.
proc transform(self: wImage; scaleX, scaleY: float = 1;
              angle, deltaX, deltaY: float = 0; quality = wImageQualityNormal): wImage {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError, wNilAccess], tags: [].}
Returned a transformed version of this image by given parameters.
proc retransform(self: wImage; scaleX, scaleY: float = 1;
                angle, deltaX, deltaY: float = 0; quality = wImageQualityNormal) {...}{.
    discardable, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Transforms the image in-place.
proc paste(self: wImage; image: wImage; x, y: int = 0; align = 0) {...}{.discardable,
    raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
Copy the data of the given image to the specified position in this image.
proc paste(self: wImage; image: wImage; pos: wPoint; align = 0) {...}{.discardable,
    raises: [wNilAccess, wImageError], tags: [].}
Copy the data of the given image to the specified position in this image.
proc rotateFlip(self: wImage; flag: int) {...}{.discardable, raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Rotates or flip the image.
proc rotateFlip(self: wImage; angle: int; flipX: bool; flipY: bool) {...}{.discardable,
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Rotates or flip the image. Angle should be one of 0, 90, 180, 270.
proc getSubImage(self: wImage; rect: wRect): wImage {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns a sub image of the current one as long as the rect belongs entirely to the image.
proc crop(self: wImage; x, y, width, height: int): wImage {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Returns a cropped image of the current one as long as the rect belongs entirely to the image.
proc blur(self: wImage; radius: range[0 .. 255] = 0; expandEdge = true) {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Blur effect (Windows Vista or later).
proc brightnessContrast(self: wImage; brightness: range[-255 .. 255] = 0;
                       contrast: range[-100 .. 100] = 0) {...}{.raises: [wImageError],
    tags: [].}
Brightness or contrast adjustment (Windows Vista or later).
proc sharpen(self: wImage; radius: range[0 .. 255] = 0; amount: range[0 .. 100] = 0) {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Sharpen effect (Windows Vista or later).
proc tint(self: wImage; hue: range[-180 .. 180] = 0; amount: range[0 .. 100] = 0) {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Tint effect (Windows Vista or later).
proc hueSaturationLightness(self: wImage; hue: range[-180 .. 180] = 0;
                           saturation: range[-100 .. 100] = 0;
                           lightness: range[-100 .. 100] = 0) {...}{.raises: [wImageError],
    tags: [].}
Hue, saturation, or lightness adjustment (Windows Vista or later).
proc colorBalance(self: wImage; cyanRed: range[-100 .. 100] = 0;
                 magentaGreen: range[-100 .. 100] = 0;
                 yellowBlue: range[-100 .. 100] = 0) {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Color balance adjustment (Windows Vista or later).
proc levels(self: wImage; highlight: range[0 .. 100] = 0;
           midtone: range[-100 .. 100] = 0; shadow: range[0 .. 100] = 0) {...}{.
    raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Light, midtone, or dark adjustment (Windows Vista or later).


iterator getEncoders(self: wImage): string {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Iterates over each available image encoder on system.
iterator getDecoders(self: wImage): string {...}{.raises: [wImageError], tags: [].}
Iterates over each available image decoder on system.