
wFindReplaceDialog is a standard modeless dialog which is used to allow the user to search for some text (and possibly replace it with something else). Note that unlike for the other standard dialogs this one must have a owner window. Also note that there is no way to use this dialog in a modal way; it is always, by design and implementation, modeless.

wFrReplaceReplace dialog (otherwise find dialog).
wFrNoUpdownDisables the search direction radio buttons (find dialog).
wFrNoMatchcaseDisables the match case check box.
wFrNoWholewordDisables the whole word check box.
wFrHideUpdownHides the search direction radio buttons (find dialog).
wFrHideMatchcaseHides the match case check box.
wFrHideWholewordHides the whole word check box.
wFrDownThe down button of the direction radio buttons is selected.
wFrWholewordThe whole word check box is selected.
wFrMatchcaseThe match case check box is selected.
wEvent_DialogCreatedWhen the dialog is created but not yet shown.
wEvent_DialogClosedWhen the dialog is being closed.
wEvent_DialogHelpWhen the Help button is pressed.
wEvent_FindNextWhen find next button was pressed.
wEvent_ReplaceWhen replace button was pressed.
wEvent_ReplaceAllWhen replace all button was pressed .


wFrReplace = 0x00020000
wFrNoUpdown = 0x00000400
wFrNoMatchcase = 0x00000800
wFrNoWholeword = 0x00001000
wFrHideUpdown = 0x00004000
wFrHideMatchcase = 0x00008000
wFrHideWholeword = 0x00010000
wFrDown = 0x00000001
wFrWholeword = 0x00000002
wFrMatchcase = 0x00000004


proc setFlags(self: wFindReplaceDialog; flags: int) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Set the flags to use to initialize the controls of the dialog.
proc getFlags(self: wFindReplaceDialog): int {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the combination of flag values.
proc setFindString(self: wFindReplaceDialog; str: string) {...}{.inline,
    raises: [IndexDefect], tags: [].}
Set the string to find (used as initial value by the dialog).
proc getFindString(self: wFindReplaceDialog): string {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the string to find.
proc setReplaceString(self: wFindReplaceDialog; str: string) {...}{.inline,
    raises: [IndexDefect], tags: [].}
Set the replacement string (used as initial value by the dialog).
proc getReplaceString(self: wFindReplaceDialog): string {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the replacement string.
proc isDownward(self: wFindReplaceDialog): bool {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Check whether downward search/replace selected.
proc isWholeword(self: wFindReplaceDialog): bool {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Check whether whole word search/replace selected.
proc isMatchcase(self: wFindReplaceDialog): bool {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Case whether sensitive search/replace selected.
proc enableHelp(self: wFindReplaceDialog; flag = true) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Display a Help button, the dialog got wEvent_DialogHelp event when the button pressed.
proc init(self: wFindReplaceDialog; owner: wWindow; flags: int = 0) {...}{.
    raises: [wNilAccess, wWindowError, wCursorError, IndexDefect, wFontError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
proc FindReplaceDialog(owner: wWindow; flags: int = 0): wFindReplaceDialog {...}{.inline,
    raises: [wNilAccess, wWindowError, wCursorError, IndexDefect, wFontError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
proc showModaless(self: wFindReplaceDialog) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Shows the dialog in modaless mode. The frame of this dialog will recieve wEvent_DialogClosed event when the dialog is closed.